WYA President Lord Pomperada with officers of Universitas and attendees of the get-together on Global Youth Leadership
Last December 13, the Universitas Foundation hosted a get-together with the World Youth Alliance (WYA) President Lord Pomperada at the Universitas Headquarters in Escriva Drive, Ortigas. The get-together, entitled “Global Youth Leadership: Working with Young People All Over the World” is the first of a series of get-togethers under a program of the foundation entitled Universitas CEO Talks.
Among the persons in attendance were representatives from the WYA Asia Pacific Regional Office represented by its Regional Director, Ms. Mary Imbong, and its Regional Director of Operations, Ms. Joyce Ann Cedeño, and some members of the Friends of Universitas (FUn).
The event began with the attendees and staff of Universitas sharing some light snacks. This was followed by the introduction of the speaker by Universitas CEO & President, Atty. Oliver Tuazon.
Afterwards, in a lively and friendly tone, Lord proceeded to give a presentation on the WYA, its primary goals as an organization, as well as its different projects. One of the projects he discussed was the Human Dignity Curriculum (HDC), which promotes respect for human dignity by developing “a framework for teaching human sexuality within the context of the whole person, rooted in a clear anthropology.”
Thus, the HDC provides a method for sex education which is based on a proper understanding of the human person and is geared towards personal development. Lord shared some of the core themes of HDC, namely, Human Dignity, the Hierarchy of Living Beings/Powers of Living Things, Intentional Actions, Persons as Subjects vs. Objects, Human Freedom, and Human Excellence.
Another project of WYA which was presented by Lord is the Fertility Education & Medical Management (FEMM) which “provides the science of women’s reproductive health based on sound physiological principles.”
Having been elected as the 5th president of WYA at 23, Lord moved to New York City in the fall of 2015 and presently takes charge of WYA’s global programming and operations. He was recently renewed for another term, since he is still below 30, the age limit to be a WYA officer.
The officers of Universitas met with Lord last July 2018 at the headquarters of WYA in New York where they agreed to include WYA as one of the institutions to which the fellows under Universitas Fellows Program (UFP) may apply to have their international internship.
With the recently-conducted get-together with Lord Pomperada, as well as the internship opportunity given by WYA to the UFP Fellows, Universitas looks forward to more collaborations with WYA while they both undertake to uplift the standards of culture and society, and recognize the central role of the youth in this pursuit
NOTA BENE: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the text belong solely to the author, and the speakers mentioned in the article, and not necessarily to the Foundation.
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