Oliver M. Tuazon, M.S., LL.B
Oliver is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Universitas. He was the immediate past Executive Director of Charis Foundation, and prior to that, of the University Center Foundation. He was a faculty member at the Institute of Biology, College of Science, University of the Philippines-Diliman. He was an outstanding graduate awardee for his masters in microbiology and graduated cum laude in his law degree. He is a finalist of the search for the Ten Outstanding Students of the Philippines (TOSP) and a fellow of the Philippine Young Leaders in Governance (PYLG) of the United Nations Development Program. He has written a couple of books touching upon nation building and dialogues with young people, and co-authored a leadership manual.
Morize Andrei F. Arenal
Morize is the Chief Operating Officer of Universitas. He has previously worked as executive assistant of Charis Foundation, and became the project manager of its Make-A- Child-Smile (MACS) activity. A legal management graduate of the University of Santo Tomas, he commenced a juris doctor degree at the De La Salle University, Bonifacio Global City. Shelving his pursuit for his law degree in the meantime, he currently works as an assistant manager for employee support at Deutsche Bank Philippines, after helping out in his family’s logistics business. He has actively attended various international summer programs in Spain at the IESE Business School, United States at the Elm Institute, Slovakia at the Kolegium Antona Neuwirtha and Canada at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, where he is expected to pursue his MBA in the coming academic year.
Dardecs N. Villanueva, C.P.A.
Dardecs is the Chief Finance Officer of Universitas and sits in the Board of Trustees as its Corporate Treasurer. He studied Accountancy at the University of Santo Tomas. He passed the CPA board exam in the same year of his graduation. He previously worked as a tax associate at the Manabat SanAgustin & Co., CPAs, an affiliate of KPMG International, and as a tax analyst at IBM Philippines, Inc. An avid mountain hiker, he heads Klub Lolek, an informal group of friends who meet once a month to explore the natural beauty of the Philippines. He is currently finishing his law degree at the University of Santo Tomas.
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